About the journal

Lvrach.ru is the largest information resource for medical professionals created on the basis of the Lechaschi Vrach Journal.

Original and high-quality content: the latest news from the medical and pharmaceutical markets; research and practice-oriented articles by the leading experts for general practitioners, physicians, pediatricians, and narrowly focused specialists; translations of international practices; medical calculators; special projects.

The Lechaschi Vrach Journal is a professional medical journal, which publishes news from the medical and pharmaceutical markets; search and practice-oriented articles by the leading experts for general practitioners, physicians, pediatricians, and narrowly focused specialists; regular columns for the heads of medical institutions, teachers, and medical students.


Since 2008, by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Certification Commission (HAC), the Lechaschi Vrach journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals


The journal is indexed in Russian Science Citation Index


Current Issue: https://www.lvrach.ru/latest

Journal Archive: https://www.lvrach.ru/archive

Subscription: https://www.lvrach.ru/subscribe

About Journal. Aims & Scope: https://journal.lvrach.ru/jour/about

Journal Editorial Board: https://journal.lvrach.ru/jour/pages/view/EditorialS

Author Guidelines: https://journal.lvrach.ru/jour/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

Editorial Process: https://journal.lvrach.ru/jour/about/editorialPolicies#custom-0

Publishing Ethics: https://journal.lvrach.ru/jour/about/editorialPolicies#custom-1

Правый блок


Mailing Address: 123056, Russian Federation, Moscow, P.O. box 82 (lvrach@osp.ru)
Tel.: +7(495)725-47-80

Principal Contact: Lvrach@osp.ru

Journal Advertisements:
Advertising Director Svetlana Ivanova

Website advertising:
Margarita Babayan

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Telegram https://t.me/lvrach

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